Guide to how to apply for IFDA certificate

The IFDA certification instructor qualification is granted only to those who have registered as instructors with the association after acquiring the certification of this association. If you want to work as an association instructor after acquiring the association’s certificate, you must additionally apply for instructor registration. Please note that it is impossible to become a lecturer by acquiring a certificate without registering as an instructor.

IFDA Certification Application Guide

How to apply for a certificate

  • Create a portfolio of classes you have taken and send it to you by e-mail. ( email : )
  • The content of the portfolio is a picture of the work that includes the date and student name for each class.
  • The certification application fee is 200 USD. Certificates will be mailed to you and shipping is separate.


The certification application form must include the following information:

  • Date of application for certification
  • Course name you took
  • English name and date of birth on passport

(The above information is required information to be entered on the certification.)

* If there is an IFDA branch in the student’s country or an IFDA branch is established in the future, the test fee and tuition may change. In addition, when applying for certification, it is changed to an exam held at the branch of the country, rather than submitting a portfolio.

Headquartered in Korea, IFDA currently has offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Students from that country will take the exam at the branch of each country after the class is completed, and the certificate will be issued by the head office. (In countries where there is no current branch, a portfolio is used instead.)

IFDA Instructor Application Guide

How to become an IFDA Instructor

  • In order to become an IFDA instructor, you must register as an instructor with the association.
  • Classes for the IFDA certification course must be conducted in accordance with the certification curriculum established by the association.
  • Instructor registration fee: 150 USD per year.


After depositing the annual fee (instructor registration fee) into account, fill out the application form below and submit it by email. (email:

  • english name
  • Instructor activity country
  • phone number
  • address
  • business name
  • Qualifications obtained from IFDA
  • Instagram (can be omitted if none)
  • Website (optional if not present)
  • e-mail


Account information

  • 1. alc no. : 3333.02.2115004
  • 2. name : YANG EUN JIN
  • 3. phone no. 010-4412-6140
  • 4. bank name : KAKAOBANK CORP ( SWIFT CODE : KAKOKR22XXX )
  • 5. back address : 50 SAEMUNAN-RO, JONGNO-GU, SEOUL, KOREA
  • 6. date of birth : 1982. 01. 16

monaflos  |  Yang eun-jin, Park noh-sung  |  Biz License. 644-09-00313

Address. 15, Jahamun-ro 37-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Perublic of KOREA
Tel. 010-4412-6140  |


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For class inquiries, please use KakaoTalk or the homepage. During class, calls may not be available or responses may be delayed.

상호 : 모나플로스(monaflos)  |  대표 : 양은진,박노성  |  사업자등록번호 : 644-09-00313  |  통신판매업 신고 : 제 2022-서울종로-1764 호

전화 : 010-4412-9128  |  주소 : 서울특별시 종로구 진흥로499 진흥빌딩 2층 모나플로스(IFDA)  |  개인정보관리책임자 : 박노성

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